Selasa, 18 September 2012

[PERS-Indonesia] Densus 88 Arrest Two Terrorism Suspects Outside Tangerang Mosque


Densus 88 Arrest Two Terrorism Suspects Outside Tangerang Mosque
Jakarta Globe | September 18, 2012

Police detained three people and seized bomb-making materials in terrorism sweeps in Tangerang and Bekasi on Monday, police said.

The National Police's anti-terrorism squad Densus 88 arrested two suspects in Bintaro, South Tangerang, allegedly connected to an explosion at a bomb-making factory disguised as an orphanage in Depok.

"There are two who have been arrested based on an investigation on [Depok suspect Muhammad] Toriq," National Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Boy Rafli Amar told Metro TV.

Agus "Jody" Abdillah, of Tambora, West Jakarta, and Abay, of Bintaro, were picked up outside Al Gofur mosque on Jalan Parigi Lama in Bintaro.

"Agus Abdillah was allegedly involved in the bomb explosion in Tambora and Depok. We're still investigating how deep their involvement is," Boy

Officers searched Agus' house in the Mutiara Gading Rievera housing complex in Tambun, Bekasi, Monday night and reportedly found bomb-making materials.

They arrested Agus' brother Amirudin in the raid.

He has not been charged.

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