Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

[inti-net] Three Indonesian mine workers shot + 3 Freeport Workers Killed in Ambush +Mobil Dibakar, Tiga Orang Dikabarkan Tewas



Three Indonesian mine workers shot
Timika, Indonesia
October 16, 2011

Police and workers clash in Timika. Photo: AP

THREE contract workers at a strike-hit, American-owned mine in Indonesia's Papua province have been shot dead in an ambush and three people wounded, police said yesterday.

The trio had been brought in as part of efforts to keep up production at the giant Grasberg complex, which is owned by Freeport McMoRan and is one of the world's biggest gold and copper mines.

Police in the restive province said two bodies were recovered on Friday from a burning Freeport-owned car on a road to the mine, and the third nearby.

''The three men were found dead yesterday and are yet to be identified. Today we will continue to investigate who the attackers might be and how the shooting happened,'' police spokesman Mada Laksanta said.

''Two military officers and a Freeport security guard were also shot. The officers were shot in the leg and the guards in the right arm.''

More than 8000 of Freeport's 23,000 workers at the mine, near the town of Timika, have been on strike since September 15, demanding big wage increases.

Protests turned violent last Monday when strikers clashed with police, who shot dead one worker and injured at least six others. Striking workers have since blocked the only road to the mine. The strikers, mostly indigenous Melanesians, say they are the lowest-paid Freeport workers in the world, earning between $US1.50 and $US3.50 an hour. They are demanding their wages go up more than eightfold to a minimum of $US12.50 an hour and a maximum of $US32. The company's offers now stand at about 25 per cent.

The attack was the latest in a string of ambushes on the road to the mine. Attacks on it have claimed eight lives since July 2009, including that of an Australian technician.

The mine has been the subject of controversy since production began in the 1970s. The region also has an insurgency that seeks independence from Indonesia.



3 Freeport Workers Killed in Ambush
Banjir Ambarita | October 14, 2011

At least three people were killed in an ambush on Friday near the Freeport-McMoRan Grasberg mine in the Mimika district of Papua, police said.

"Three Freeport workers died instantly from gunshot wounds," Papua police spokesman Sr. Comr. Wachyono said. "The [Mitsubishi] L300 that the victims were in was also set on fire."

Police are still identifying the deceased, Wachyono said, but one man was shot near the neck, a second man's skull shattered, and the third man was still being evacuated from a river. The incident, Wachyono said, occurred at 3:45 p.m. local time.

A military officer and a Freeport security guard were also shot while they tried to evacuate the victims. Both sustained wounds to the left arm, and the security guard was also hit on his left thigh.

"The perpetrator is still under pursuit," Wachyono said. "We could not identify [the shooter] yet."

Witnesses said that among those killed in the ambush was Nasep Risza Rahman, who worked for one of Freeport's subcontractors Puri Fajar Mandiri. Nasep was found dead inside the burning car.

Maj. Gen. Erfi Triassunu, head of the Cendrawasih Military Command, which oversees Papua operations, confirmed that the incident occurred. "Right now we are investigating it," Erfi said, declining to elaborate.

The ambush marks the second attack on Freeport employees this year. In April, two workers died when their vehicle was shot and set on fire. The perpetrator was never caught.

Friday's ambush came just days after a demonstration of striking Freeport workers took a violent turn. The workers, who have been on strike for exactly one month today, were demanding a substantial pay raise. When a clash erupted between protesters and the police, a civilian and a police officer were killed.

Violence has increased in Papua in recent years. There has been a low-level insurgency from separatist groups since 1969 when Indonesia annexed the resource-rich province. Mimika is also home to supporters of armed rebel leader Kelly Kwalik, who was killed by police in 2009.


Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011 , 07:08:00

Mobil Dibakar, Tiga Orang Dikabarkan Tewas

TNI dan Security Freeport Ditembaki, Dua Terluka

TIMIKA – Tersiar kabar Jumat (14/10) kemarin telah terjadi peristiwa memilukan, yakni pembakaran mobil, penganiayaan dan penembakan di sekitar Mile 37, tepatnya sekitar Tanggul Timur di wilayah kerja perusahaan PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua. Namun sampai berita ini diturunkan pukul 23.00 WIT, belum diperoleh keterangan resmi dari pihak kepolisian tentang kejadian yang sebenarnya.
Informasi yang diperoleh Radar Timika (Cenderawasih Pos Group) dari sumber-sumber di lapangan menyebutkan bahwa tiga orang tewas akibat dianiaya, salah satunya merupakan pengendara Mobil Mitsubishi L300 milik PT Puri Fajar Mandiri bernama Nasep Riza Rahman dengan ID 905XXX. Korban Nasep ditemukan tidak bernyawa di sekitar lokasi kejadian.
Untuk korban lainnya belum diketahui kepastian kebenarannya. Hanya saja informasi sementara yang diperoleh Radar Timika tadi malam, selain Nasep ada tiga rekannya, yakni Y, IA, dan D. Tentang bagaimana kondisi mereka, belum diketahui.
Kabar lainnya menyebutkan, selain korban penganiayaan, juga terdapat korban anggota TNI dan petugas Security PTFI yang tertembak. Para korban luka tembak tadi malam dikabarkan sudah dirawat di Klinik Kuala Kencana.

Kronologi kejadian yang dihimpun Radar Timika dari lapangan, menyebutkan peristiwa ini bermula ketika kendaraan Pick Up L300 melintas di jalan masuk menuju Kali Kopi, Tanggul Timur. Mobil Pick Up L300 dibakar oleh orang tak dikenal (OTK) pada Jumat (14/10) sekitar pukul 15.40 WIT. Mendengar peristiwa tersebut, petugas Security PTFI dan anggota TNI merespon dan mendatangi lokasi kejadian. Namun sebelum tiba di lokasi pembakaran mobil, petugas tersebut ditembaki orang tak dikenal. Karena diserang, para petugas itu menuju pos terdekat, yaitu Pos Nayaro.
Dua Anggota TNI Yonif 754/ENK dan dua petugas security itu menggunakan mobil patrol RP 11, rute patrol 39 menuju Shop 26 area PTFI yang merupakan bengkel dari kendaraan patroli. Di dalam mobil patroli terdapat empat orang, yaitu Serda Eko dan Pratu Tobias (keduanya anggota Yonif 754/ENK,) Deny (sopir) dan Ronald (keduanya security SRM). Saat ini mobil sudah diamankan di Pos Nayaro.
Pratu Thobias menderita luka tembak di tangan, dan Ronald mengalami luka tembak pada kaki. Kabarnya korban security dan TNI dibawa dengan Panser ke Klinik di Mile 38.
Sementara untuk korban meninggal dunia, informasi yang diperoleh hingga pukul 19.00 WIT belum jelas. Namun ada dugaan belum dilakukan evakuasi dan masih berada di tempat kejadian perkara (TKP). Kabarnya aparat keamanan dari TNI dan Polri serta Emergency Respon Group (ERG) PTFI berusaha menuju TKP.

Kapolres Mimika yang dihubungi Radar Timika melalui telepon sekitar pukul 20.00 WIT sempat menjawab, namun belum memberikan keterangan terkait kabar adanya peristiwa ini kemarin (14/10). Kapolres Mimika AKBP Deny Edward Siregar yang sedang sibuk, saat itu meminta Radar Timika menunggu hingga pihaknya mengumpulkan data lengkap.
Dihubungi kembali melalui telepon seluler sekitar pukul 22.45 WIT, Kapolres belum menjawab panggilan. Demikian juga Kabag Ops Polres Mimika yang coba dihubungi berikutnya, belum menjawab.
Sementara Komandan Yonif 754/ENK Letkol Inf Mahmud ketika dikonfirmasi Radar Timika pada Jumat (14/10) malam melalui telepon seluler, membenarkan adanya kejadian kemarin yang mengakibatkan dua korban dari anggota 754/ENK, yakni Serda Eko dan Pratu Thobias yang mengalami luka tembak di lengan kiri.
"Ya betul, ada dua anggota TNI dari 754/ENK. Keduanya masih dirawat di Klinik Kuala. Pratu Thobias dapat luka di lengan kiri, sementara Serda Eko hanya mendapat goresan di rompi bagian belakang," terang Danyon.

Berkaitan dengan peristiwa ini, Juru Bicara PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Ramdani Sirait yang dikonfirmasi Radar Timika, Jumat (14/10) malam, menyatakan, "Pada jam 15.00 waktu Papua hari ini (kemarin, 14/10), kami menerima laporan situasi keamanan di wilayah Tanggul Timur di wilayah kerja perusahaan di Papua. Informasinya masih terbatas. Kami bekerjasama dengan pihak Kepolisian dan personil keamanan untuk menindaklanjuti hal ini. Informasi selanjutnya akan kami berikan jika telah ada kejelasan," paparnya.(rex/upg/qq)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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